Solipsis I-V

Wim Botha

Solipsis I-V

This catalogue is published to accompany the fifth installation in the Solipsis series, created by Wim Botha as the Stellenbosch University Wordfest Artist at the Sasol Art Museum. The catalogue includes all five polystyrene, fluorescent light and wood installations - the first installed at Stevenson Cape Town as part of Botha's solo exhibition All This (2011); the second at Galerie Jette Rudolph in Berlin as part of the solo exhibition All Around (2011); the third for the 2011 Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art; and the fourth at Stevenson Johannesburg as part of the solo exhibition A Thousand Things (2012). The catalogue includes an interview with Botha by Lize van Robbroeck, in which Botha discusses the genesis of the series, its relationship to the concerns of his previous works, and such underlying preoccupations as the relationship of concept/content to form and process. Available in a special edition boxed set with Busts 2003-2012.

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Published by Stevenson | Catalogue 69, March 2013
Softcover, 60 pages | Unavailable

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